A polygraph test, also known as a lie detector test, measures and records physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, and skin conductivity while the subject answers a series of questions, to determine the truthfulness of their answers.

The accuracy of polygraph tests can vary, with some studies suggesting accuracy rates above 90%. However, factors such as the examiner's skill, the test conditions, and the subject's physiological responses can influence the results.

Yes, in most cases, you have the right to refuse a polygraph test, especially in employment contexts. However, certain conditions may require a polygraph test, such as specific government or law enforcement positions or corporate policy.

A typical polygraph test session lasts between 2 to 3 hours, which includes the pre-test interview, the actual test, and the post-test discussion.

It's common to feel nervous during a polygraph test, but a skilled examiner can differentiate between nervousness and deceptive responses. Being nervous does not mean you will fail the test.

Despite various myths and suggestions for beating a polygraph test, there is no reliable method to do so. Attempting to manipulate the results can be detected by an experienced examiner using the right equipment.

The confidentiality of polygraph test results varies by jurisdiction and the context in which the test is conducted. Generally, the results are shared with the individual who authorized the test, and your consent may be required for further disclosure.

Other methods for truth verification or lie detection include statement analysis, psychological stress evaluators, and eye movement analysis, although these methods also have their own limitations and are subject to ongoing research and debate.

To prepare for a polygraph test, ensure you get a good night's sleep, avoid caffeine or other stimulants before the test, and listen carefully to the examiner's instructions. It's also important to be honest during the test.

Polygraph testing is not explicitly prohibited by Nigerian law. However, it is not generally admissible as sole evidence in Nigerian courts. However, polygraph tests have proved valuable as an investigative tool relied upon in many use cases in private, corporate, government, sports, and entertainment to resolve issues that may not ultimately end in court. It helps you to avoid long and costly investigation process.

Not only is our examiner certified and accredited by the European Polygraph Association in partnership with Israeli Computerised Polygraph Association, we utilize Stoelting’s Elite Polygraph reputed to be the smartest polygraph ever made. Nearly every advancement in the field of polygraph has come forth from Stoelting. Stoelting created the first Cardio-Pneumo Polygraph in 1935 and has since been on the cutting edge of polygraph technology.